
Saturday, July 17, 2010

are you gonna go my way?

i should write in this more but i just don't know what to say a lot of times.

like... now...

i'm doing really well but i'm about to need something to occupy my time. i am praying that a job i want very badly is in God's will for me to get, and if that doesn't happen, i have something else planned. i just need to learn patience.

i write letters now, which i didn't do last time because i didn't think travis would like them. it's selfish, but it makes me feel better to write and make him a card. i just want him to know that i'm always thinking of him.

ughhh i want to make gumbo but it's too hot outside.... blahhh

1 comment:

  1. Pictures!! Those always bring up things to say =)
