
Friday, July 30, 2010

*** the mall

yep, i said it

i'll say it again

******************** the mall

for the past year... or maybe a little over a year i have gone to the mall, any mall and gone in store after store, season after season, semi annual after semi annual and i still have an empty ass closet... WHY?!?

and after i went to francesca's today to get a dress for my sister's graduation, i figured it out...

the mall doesn't make clothes for people like me!!!!

i'm not a 12 year old girl, or a newborn, or 40, or a 19 year old club rat, or plus size, or goth...the extremes that go from one store to the next

it was an epiphany that changed my life... i went into this store and got amazing pieces that i'm going to keep for years... the quality on these are aaaaammmaaazing... nothing like the crap in mallstore. i got amazing service and maybe it's just because i found a store that finally caters to my taste level around here, but i loved the way i felt shopping in there. i didn't feel rushed or impulsive or slutty or matronly... i felt like a lady... like myself.

so take that mall with your crowds and your parking spaces!!! ******************* you!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

are you gonna go my way?

i should write in this more but i just don't know what to say a lot of times.

like... now...

i'm doing really well but i'm about to need something to occupy my time. i am praying that a job i want very badly is in God's will for me to get, and if that doesn't happen, i have something else planned. i just need to learn patience.

i write letters now, which i didn't do last time because i didn't think travis would like them. it's selfish, but it makes me feel better to write and make him a card. i just want him to know that i'm always thinking of him.

ughhh i want to make gumbo but it's too hot outside.... blahhh

Thursday, July 8, 2010

like a walkman falls to pieces...

i really think i'm about to start sewing... i looked at a machine and have been looking at patterns... i always said i wanted to... why the hell not?

and i randomly got this song stuck in my head... i haven't heard it in 5 years and i'm pretty sure i burned the cd listening to it so much without skipping... i forgot how much i freaking LOVE the stills!

Thursday, July 1, 2010